{ Thank you for joining Codemotion Berlin 2016! }
It has already been two weeks since Codemotion Berlin kicked off so it’s certainly time for us to say thank you! Around 500 attendees participated while we had 51 international speakers and 22 communities (24 additional Community speakers!) on four parallel stages. We’ve enjoyed an amazing conference with interesting sessions and inspiring discussions. Hopefully you’ve had the chance to learn and network at the same time and generally speaking have a had pleasant time during your stay in Berlin.
“Codemotion Berlin is an inclusive, high energy conference. I had a really positive experience as both a speaker and an attendee. The talks were compelling and insightful, and I came away from each one having learned something new. I also had the chance to connect with many new professionals in my field.” – Christine Lariviere, SumUp, @cdlariviere
{ Recordings, Slides & Photos }
In case you’ve missed some sessions at the conference, you have the chance to listen to the talks online. The sessions of 3 out of 4 stages have been audio recorded by our partner Voice Republic and are now available here. Slides have been added already or at latest at the end of the week. In the meantime you can find the slides of (nearly) every talk on the corresponding session page.
Thanks to our photographer Ania, you can find a selection of the best pictures in our Flickr-album. Please have a look!
{ Feedback please }
Codemotion Berlin is a conference to exchange and learn from each other. Therefore we would really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes of your time to fill in our Codemotion questionnaire.
“I’ve been speaking at and attending conferences for years now and the Codemotion events are some of my favorites to participate in. Codemotion Berlin had a great mix of well thought out speakers on a range of topics, local sponsors with a focus on offering opportunities to the attendees and a beautiful venue. I had an amazing time and hope to be able to attend in coming years.” Jessica Rose, head of developer relations Crate.io
{ Last but not least }
Last but not least we would like to thank our speakers, sponsors, media partners and volunteers who have been involved in the organisation of Codemotion Berlin for an inspiring time. It was a pleasure to work with you.
Stay tuned and don’t miss the latest updates through our social media channels Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and instagram!
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